Take a Bite!


Twelve minutes into my presentation and I saw faces lit up with smiles of excitement. Faces that told me they were enjoying what they were seeing and hearing. I witnessed how I could bring smiles to my audience using the Sticky Presentations® (S.P.Y.) approach. That inspired me to write this book so that you too, can bring smiles to each and every one of your presentations using the Sticky Presentations approach.

This book is not about advertising, nor is it meant just for the creative professionals. This book is for anyone who wants to create inspiring presentations. You can be a CEO, VP, manager, team leader, teacher, student, or someone who is tasked to prepare presentations. From marketing, finance, sales, operations in the corporate world to learning institutions. If you make any form of presentations, this book is for you.

I offer unconventional ideas that will guide you towards creating effective presentations, and help you move away from the seemingly unavoidable bullet points. Whether you are presenting to your customers, your management, or your peers, the key objectives are to bring across your messages more quickly, induce greater retention, and achieve higher acceptance. Being simple is your first step. And thinking out of the box is next.

Take a Bite! Let your journey begin.

Take a Bite!

An apple–simple and Sticky. A beginning of all ideas that eventually become insanely great ideas. This is where everything begins in presentation design. An apple is deliciously simple and real. Something that everyone can understand and relate to. And so should your presentation design.

We live in a complex world. A world where everything is over complicated, even in the way most of us communicate. However, in presentations, we need to be simple so that we can deliver our inspiring ideas effectively.

Sticky Presentations offers you simple ideas and a different approach to presentation design.

This is where I will start. Take another bite!

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